Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Today marks the day...

Today marks the last day... that I look in the mirror and don't recognize the mound of fat staring back at me.

Toady marks the last day...that I put myself down about my appearance.

Today marks the last day...that I watch the thin girl get asked out.

Today is the day that I start making changes with my life. I have come to realize that I'm the only one that let myself look like this. I'm the person responsible for the way I look. I need to be held accountable for all the weight I have put on.  I have let my weight define me for the last time.  I do not want to be called, "the fat girl" "fat ass" or "fatty" one more time. I'm going to take action. I'm going to work for this.

I'm sick of watching the thin girl get asked out. I feel trapped in this shell.  I have let my weight define me. If I don't love the way I look, how can anyone else? If I don't love me, how can I expect someone else to love me?

I'm tired of saying that I'll worry about that later, or I'll do that later. I'm tired of it always being tomorrow. I'm tired of not having self-confidence in myself. I'm tired of always pulling at my clothes for fear that a fat roll is hanging out, or that my clothes are too tight.

I'm sick of not being able to walk in a store and have everything I try on look good. I'm tired of walking into a store and having the sales person stare at me like I don't belong there.

I'm tired of this feeling. I'm tired of letting people make me feel this way. I'm taking accountability and I'm making changes.

Today is the day that I say goodbye to my fat ass. Today is the day that I share my fat ass with the world.

So here, Internets. Here is my fat ass:

Here we are world, me at my largest. 250. God. That is a lot.  Today is the last day that I will step on the scale and see that horrifying number. 

Here we go. Tomorrow I will set some goals for myself. 

Have any of you lost major weight? What were your monthly goals? Any recommendations?

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