Thursday, December 15, 2011

Adios Scale!

Today I'm saying goodbye to my scale. I will remain weighing myself monthly and checking to see if I reach my monthly goals, but other than that I'm refuse to let myself become obsessed with a number, focusing on getting myself feeling better physically and mentally, and less about a number. 

My thoughts on saying goodbye to the scale are that I will become more focused on how I feel, mentally and physically, and less on what a number says I am. My ultimate goal is to me in better physical and mental health, and the weight loss is a side effect.

I'm sticking to the typical 2 pounds a week, loss and consuming 1360 calories a day.  I will weight myself monthly and only monthly. 

Before my, we'll call it journey, began, I would skip breakfast, and sometimes lunch, and have a large dinner. Now I'm going to have five small "meals" daily. I'm going to eliminate diet drinks, and slowly start to eliminate caffeine, other than the small amount in teas. 

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